Pope County Library System
FAX 479-968-3222
116 East 3rd Street
Russellville, AR 72801
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm


Branch Bookstores

Come visit the Pope County Library System bookstores at our Russellville Headquarters or Atkins, Dover, and Hector branches for some of the best prices available. Books are regularly priced 25 cents to $1.00, but watch for sales, too!  Book lovers can dive into a sea of books, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks and more during our regular hours.  

Many thanks to the community for their generous donations of items for our Bookstores.  We accept books, cds, audio-books, dvds, crafting books, cookbooks, non-fiction, fiction, children, young adult, and graphic novels.  We currently DO NOT accept textbooks, damaged books, or books that have been wet.

For more information on volunteering at the Russellvile Headquarters Bookstore, contact Sarah Moore at 479-968-4368, or email: smoore@popelibrary.org.