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Pope County Library System Homeschool Robotics Team Wins Spot at the VEXWorld Championship

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March 18, 2024



Russellville, Arkansas: ThePope County Library System VEX IQ team Power Supply took hometop honors--the VEX IQ Robotics Competition (VIQRC) Excellence Award--at the Middle School Championship at Arkansas Tech University this past week. 

The VIQRC Excellence Award recognizes a team’s excellence in all categories of competition. To be considered for the Excellence Award, a team must be student-centered, exhibit good sportsmanship and professionalism, score at or near the top of the Engineering Notebook Rubric rankings, exhibit a high-quality team interview, and score in the top 30% in Teamwork and Robot Skills matches. PowerSupply placed 3rd in the Skills Challenge and 2nd in theTeamwork Challenge to help secure the win.

Power Supply moves on as one of the teams representing Arkansas at the VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas, Texas, in May.  This annual event, presented by the Northrop Grumman Foundation and the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation (RECF), brings together the top VEX IQ teams from around the world to celebrate their accomplishments and participate in the 2023-2024 games to crown a champion. 

“Globally there are over 5,500 VEX IQcompetition teams and only the top 420 teams will receive the coveted invitation to compete,” said Amanda Baillie, team coach and Assistant Director of the Pope County Library System. “I am very proud that our little library team will get the opportunity to represent Pope County and all of Arkansas at the World Championship.  Our Homeschool VEX program operates on a shoestring budget.  We have older equipment and are usually limited to two to three hours of practice time each week.  I think this is an excellent example of how the library takes a small number of resources, and with the support of the community, can make a large impact.  The World Championship will be a unique educational opportunity for this team to meet other kids from around the world who also share their love of robotics and STEM education.”

The Pope County Library System Foundation is fundraising to help offset the cost of meals, travel, lodging, and tournamentdues for Power Supply team members and their families.  If you have questions about donating or are interested in becoming a team sponsor, please contact Amanda Baillie at 479-968-4368.  Donations can be mailed to the Pope County Library System Foundation at 116 East 3rd Street,Russellville, AR, 72801 or dropped off at the Headquarters library in Image titleRussellville.


More information about the VEX RoboticsCompetition is available at roboticseducation.org.