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Student Resources Junior High & Up

eBooks Central ProQuest

Provides authoritative ebooks in a range of subjects [Arts - Business/Management – Education – General - Health & Medicine - History & Political Science – Law - Literature & Language - Religion & Philosophy - Science & Technology - Social Science] from the world's top publishers.

eBooks (World Book)  Titles 
A collection of 25 classics and an additional 25 proprietary World Book non-fiction titles.  Desktop computer and tablet users may access the site via browser or checkout for offline.  Simultaneous checkout makes eBooks available for an unlimited number of users

Elibrary Guided Research Platform 
Provides access to eLibrary's periodical and digital media collection through a user interface specifically designed for student researchers.

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos 
World Book's content, rich media, and interactive features in Spanish for young learners.

History Study Center (access also through eLibrary Curriculum Edition)
A comprehensive collection of primary and secondary source material that meets the needs of both AP and mainstream courses in Social Studies 

Learning: Literature (access also through eLibrary Curriculum Edition)
Students can find author biographies, contemporary criticism, reviews, and multimedia resources from medieval times to the present.

ProQuest Central

A cross-disciplinary research tool with 30 databases that can be searched together or individually

Research Companion 
Developed to help students do more effective research and assist educators in teaching the basics for information literacy core principles of finding, evaluating, and using information.

Research Library
A mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and other timely sources across the top 150 subject areas, including the arts, business, education, engineering and technology, health and medical, history, law, literature and languages, multicultural themes, psychology, natural sciences, social sciences, & women’s studies.

SIRS Issues Researcher
Background and analysis on 350+ leading issues, providing pros and cons on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political, and global issues.

World Book Advanced   A reference tool for 8th grade and up that includes encyclopedia, multimedia, e-books, and primary source databases, fully integrated in a single search World Book Advanced is a powerful reference tool that includes encyclopedia, multimedia, e-book, and primary source databases, fully integrated in a single search.   

World Book Discover 
Reference resources for students reading below grade level because of language or learning difficulties, with content and tools specifically developed for these students.

World Book Timelines  A resource for accessing or creating timelines for projects in the arts, literature, notable people, science & technology, world history, geography and more. Users can select a built timeline and make changes or create new timelines then images and videos. 

Teen Reading Guide: